Registration deadline for ReVolution competitions: January 26, 2024
A springboard for VR/AR innovations
Each year, Laval Virtual rewards the world’s best VR/AR projects through a series of 4 unmissable competitions:
•ReVolution #Research for university and private research projects
•ReVolution #StartUps for Startups’ technological projects
•ReVolution #Students – Demo for school projects
•ReVolution #Students – Limited Time with the Hackathon

An opportunity to enhance the VR/AR community
As a community hub within the sector, Laval Virtual fosters innovation by awarding prizes to developers, researchers, start-uppers, students and companies. By taking part in the ReVolution competitions, you can win exhibition space and a chance to win a Laval Virtual Award. Receive feedback from experts as you present your solution, meet other project developers to forge links, share ideas and collaborate!
How to get involved?
Apply now
Each project is selected, after an online application, by an international jury of experts to win an exhibition space. There are 4 categories: #Research, #StartUps, #Students – Demo and #Students – Limited Time.
Selected by a jury of international professionals and scientists, the best projects will be showcased over the 3 days of the show, in a dedicated area with free exhibition space (excluding registration fees).
The ReVolution competitions reward the most ground-breaking projects. Over the course of the exhibition, the ReVolution projects compete to win an award in their category. a stamp of industry approval!