In his role, Martial utilizes a diverse skill set in Human Spaceflight Engineering and Human Factors, cultivated through years of experience at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC). Beginning with contributions to projects like METERON, he has evolved to manage pivotal industrial endeavors such as the Sun Simulator work package for the LUNA project, ensuring compliance with rigorous standards like ECSS. His proficiency in Canadarm2 operation and virtual reality technologies has led to collaborative efforts with key partners like the NASA Flight Operations Directorate and the EHO, resulting in the creation of innovative tools like the JIVE training tool. This success has propelled the growth of the XR Lab, where he oversees numerous R&D projects, refining his expertise in technical trade-offs and shaping human-machine interfaces. Additionally, his involvement in spacecraft design projects and contributions to the ESA Young Professional Satellite project have further enriched his understanding of space hardware constraints and launch processes.

10/0404:55 pm - 05:20 pm
The Use of XR for Human Space Exploration in Europe

The European Astronaut Centre (EAC) located in Cologne, Germany, is the centre of excellence for...