After experience in IT consulting and technology transfer in France and the UK, including the implementation of the first CAVE™ system in an industrial environment in France, Dominique Geeraert has now been supporting the digital transformations of a major industrial Group, ArcelorMittal, for 18 years, on various geographical perimeters in Europe, and more recently in France. He has expertise in managing digital programs, managing solution development teams (particularly in Web, RPA and XR technologies), promoting innovation through the operational implementation of two Digital Labs in France, and leading digital acculturation programs. At the same time, Dominique set up a training organization, DEFI4, which supports the digital and carbon-free transitions of its members and partners, and of which he is currently Chairman.

10/0402:15 pm - 02:55 pm
XR for real sustainability : Key points to understand (and how to act now)