PI5G is a 3-year project funded by the France Relance plan as part of the Resilience call for projects, which aims to accelerate the development of products/services combining immersive technologies and 5G for Industry 4.0.
The work program will focus on the following points:
– Building immersive 5G platforms by setting up 5G connectivity “bubbles
– Develop a 5G VR/AR headset – Deploy 5G network management tools.
– Use these platforms to develop new solutions and experiment with three types of use case: 3D telepresence, immersive telerobotics and immersive simulation.
– Communicating project results

Partners: CEA List (Coordinator), Halys, Haption, Immersion, Light And Shadows, Lynx.
This project is partly financed by the Banque Publique d’Investissement – BPI, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance through the France Relance plan, the Direction Générale des Entreprises – DGE, and has been approved by the Comité Stratégique de Filière – CSF Infrastructures Numériques “.